Soul Healing with Horse


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Soul Healing with Horse:
Moving Beyond the Pain of the Past

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Are past wounds keeping you from moving forward in your life? Do you long for the freedom to express yourself and feel more joy? Soul Healing with Horse is a deeply transformative experience. You’ll engage with horses in experiential interactions that can change your life as you learn the tools to reconnect with your authentic self. Trained coach facilitators provide guidance in a safe and loving environment (no horse experience is needed) and riding is not involved. The sole focus is on you, and your healing and transformation. Tribrook Equestrian Center offers a magical setting for these profound life-changing experiences. Come and join us!

Refreshments and healthy snacks are provided. Please bring your own lunch.

Investment: $97
Schedule: Saturday 9:30am-4pm
Location: Tri-Brook Equestrian Center located at 283 Long Swamp Rd, New Egypt, NJ 08533.

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